If you have ever encounter that the Azure container registry you’ve deployed didn’t showed in the list when you are trying to create an Azure container instance, you can check out the simple solution below.

Container Registry not found on deployment

Sunday, 11 September 2022
By TonyTony  

Container Registry not found on deployment

If you have ever encounter that the Azure container registry you’ve deployed didn’t showed in the list when you are trying to create an Azure container instance, you can check out the simple solution below.

In this scenario, I’ve uploaded the image directly from the Visual Studio IDE upon creation of Azure container instance, the deployed Azure Container Registry does not reflect in the list.

In this scenario, I’ve uploaded the image directly from the Visual Studio IDE upon creation of Azure container instance, the deployed Azure Container Registry does not reflect in the list.

I thought I’ll just create it directly from the Azure Portal, but open creation…

I thought I’ll just create it directly from the Azure Portal, but open creation…

This time the Azure Container Registry doesn’t exist in the Visual Studio IDE when I tried to upload and deploy.

This time the Azure Container Registry doesn’t exist in the Visual Studio IDE when I tried to upload and deploy.

After, exploring the Azure Container Registry Resource, I’ve solved it by enabling the Admin User when you click the settings button.

After, exploring the Azure Container Registry Resource, I’ve solved it by enabling the Admin User when you click the settings button.

Going back and refreshing the publish window, I can now see created Azure Container Registry and from here you can now deploy your container image.

Going back and refreshing the publish window, I can now see created Azure Container Registry and from here you can now deploy your container image.

After deployment, in creating a new instance of Azure container instance, the Azure Container Registry dropdown has the container registry created early.

After deployment, in creating a new instance of Azure container instance, the Azure Container Registry dropdown has the container registry created early.

Container not found? solve this issue with this simple solution.
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